
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Bee Basics 101

I love beekeeping. What a fascinating hobby! If you have any interest at all in beekeeping, I urge you to contact your local beekeeping club (call your extension office if you are not sure how to find it) and see if they have a mentor program. Tell them you want to shadow someone for a while so you can see what you really think about beekeeping. Starting beekeeping can be quite intimidating if you have absolutely no idea of what is involved. Since I was "that person" (the one who just jumped in, no questions asked), I have learned by the school of hard knocks. I really don't want YOU to do that. You may attempt it, fail, and thus give up on something that, done differently, you would still enjoy years later.  So I started a mentoring program of sorts at our local library. Just a very casual Q & A, sit-and-chat meeting. I hope to address those burning questions that many beginners have. And since there are beginners world-wide, I recently started an online Facebook page for beginning beekeepers - BeeBasics101. It's a new Facebook page, so it's dying for your input. ;) Pop in and see what you think!

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